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VPSv2 Basic
VPSv2 1000
VPSv2 2000
VPSv2 3000

Solaris Server B
VPS (Solaris) Standard
VPS (Solaris) Pro



Virtual Private Servers - FAQ

What kind of hit volume can a Virtual Private Server support?
Our VPS are designed to handle a low to medium hit load (under 100,000 hits a day). If a site begins to receive over 100,000 hits a day, web page response will begin to be affected. Those who have web sites experiencing over 100,000 hits per day should consider a Dedicated Server. A Dedicated Server can accommodate well over 1 million hits a day.

How many Virtual Private Servers are located on one physical server?
There are usually 60-80 VPS configured on each physical server. The load on each physical server is closely monitored and load balancing is employed to insure that the resources on one server are not unfairly taxed by a single VPS.